For a Limited Time, with any purchase of one of the life-impacting Self-Esteem System packages,
you will receive access to more than $10,000 worth of FREE bonus gifts. These gifts include the
7 Steps to Soaring Self-Esteem and Success Achievers Club and Success Code Newsletter Membership by Dr. Joe Rubino
$129 Value
7 Steps to Soaring Self-Esteem is the insightful, eye-opening audio program based on the internationally best-selling book, "The Self-Esteem Book: The Ultimate Guide to Boost the Most Underrated Ingredient for Success and Happiness."
Learn the reasons why this program has been the primary guide for thousands to totally improve their lives by elevating their self-esteem. Healthy Self-Esteem is the #1 factor for all successes in life! Get this Complimentary MP3 Audio Program Now and You will Find Out:
- Why over 85% of the World's Citizens Experience Negative Effects from Diminished Self-Esteem
- That Often our Lack of Self-Esteem is so Subtle that we Dont Even Notice It
- Why Lacking Self-Esteem is the #1 Cause of Most Negative Emotions such as Anger, Hurt, Greed, Fear, and Guilt to name just a Few
Plus You Will Learn Things Like:
- How to Replace Negative Messages with New Core Beliefs that Support Your Happiness and Excellence
- How to Heal the Past and Stop the Downward Spiral of Self-Sabotage
- How to Implement n easy to follow system that will Impact Your Life in a Dramatically Positive Manner
PLUS Youll receive a 1 Year Subscription to The Success Achievers Club and Success Code Newsletter filled with wisdom, insightful articles, tips, free and discounted offers for those interested in possessing Extreme Self-Esteem and maximizing their happiness, success, wealth, and personal effectiveness.
Hypnotic Power Relaxation Program
$29.00 Value
Alan Densky's "Hypnotic Power Relaxation Program!" will introduce you to an extraordinary level of peace and serenity only available through self-hypnosis.
In addition to this gift, you will have the option to receive several different weekly informational newsletters of your choice.
The 3 part video series called 'The Power'
The 3 part video series called 'The Power'. Each part comes with a free comprehensive report that explains what you can do individually to create the reality you desire. You'll also learn how you can make a massive positive impact in the world, and how this could hold the key to the evolution of mankind.
Visit the link below to see the first video - 'The Power: Beyond Visualization' You'll learn -
- The science behind visualization and how our thoughts create our reality
- What you must learn to control to create your desires
And you'll also get a free Alpha Mind Control mp3, originally created to help soldiers with post traumatic stress disorder. This powerful audio will help you reach deep levels of alpha brainwaves, helping you to become more creative and aware. It's good for your health too. It can help you sleep better, boost your immune system and make you feel good.
The Brain Evolution System
Here’s a great personal development tool that can help you think faster and sharper than ever before. The developers of this technology found that it can DOUBLE your ability to learn. They found a way to support your ability to think more clearly, release stress and even breeze through your studies or reading material as you unlock hidden ability and solve problems quickly.
It’s called he Brain Evolution System. It is a simple, six-CD program for helping you master your brain - by literally changing your brainwaves.
It works by using special sounds to help influence your brainwaves - which helps to change your mood, your focus, your stress levels, your confidence - and much more!
Many users report enjoying limitless energy and motivation as well as improved relationships and greater self-confidence.
And astonishing results are reported by those who spend just 30 minutes listening to a simple audio recording.
Download YOUR copy for Free ... TODAY!
18 Intense 'Little' Experiences for 18 Powerful Self-Revelations
Brian Vaszily -- the creator of this remarkable audio course -- is giving you his new eBook, "18 Intense 'Little' Experiences for 18 Powerful Self-Revelations," at NO-cost.
You’ll find this eBook amazing, entertaining and very useful, and it’s the perfect introduction to his audio course.
- How to have far more joy and happiness in your relationships
- How to dissolve internal barriers like fear, stress and feeling overwhelmed
- The REAL secrets to staying committed to your biggest goals
- The fun and simple way to be far kinder to the one person you are hardest on – yourself
- How to finally be as wealthy as you know you should be
How to feel inner peace and far more fulfilled with your life
3 Complimentary Books about Manifesting the Law of Attraction
You really CAN exert much more conscious control over what happens to you in life (what you 'attract'). And that applies to all 6 key areas of life including money, health, and relationships...
You can check them out here:
How to Create the Ideal Life
$29.95 Value
Gary Ryan Blair is a visionary and gifted strategic planner. His Seven Maxims for Creating the Ideal Life is the blueprint you've been looking for.
Creating the ideal life obviously requires applied intelligence, but thatís just the start.
What is most important is having a positive set of values, attitudes and habits necessary for your vision to become reality.
In this report, you'll learn the the non-negotiable rules for creating the ideal life of your dreams.
Alan Densky offers the most powerful hypnotic technologies available for rapid change.
Imagine having the key to rapidly eliminate any negative feeling or behavior, and the ability to quickly and effortlessly transform yourself into the person that you have always wanted to be. Picture having an extraordinarily happy, rich and fulfilling life.
What would it take for you to bring that imagined picture into reality? Imagine how great you will feel when you can:
- Overcome your cravings and appetite and lose weight
- Quit smoking or chewing tobacco
- Eliminate anxiety and depression
- Stop nail biting
- Build self-confidence and self-esteem
- Eradicate Insomnia and sleep better
- Increase concentration, retention, and recall
- Get rid of any phobia and panic attacks
- Abolish pain, headaches or migraines
- Abort asthma attacks
- Reduce or eliminate facial tics
Alan Densky offers the most powerful hypnotic technologies available for rapid change, including the only video hypnosis technology to ever be awarded a U.S. Patent. It's all there for you on his web site. See for yourself now.
To learn more about Alan Densky’s programs and to download the free gifts, visit...
The Science of Getting Rich
The.Science.of.Getting.Rich is the legendary book from which the inspiration for The Secret came! This is a timeless classic
guaranteed to unlock all the wealth you could ever want.
I wanted to make sure you got a chance to read it. It really holds within it the "secret" to harnessing the law of attraction in your life.
If you can believe in your inevitable success and act on The Science of Getting Rich, you can create tremendous abundance and manifest success in every area of your life!
Vision Board Success Secrets
$29 Value
You've done Vision Boards, Treasure Maps and Visualizations til you're blue in the face. And yet you have a feeling it ought to be working better, but you can't figure it out. Here's your answer, and what to do about it!
How to influence People: Subjective Communication
$139.95 Value
This report originally sold for $100 and gives you the full step by step instructions on this extraordinary mind power technique - The ability to connect with, and influence other people's minds across the world for good causes.
Plus receive a copy of 'Mindsurge - The Consciousness
Revolution' at no cost.
You'll learn -
- What the consciousness revolution is - and how you could be a part of it
- Scientific research into intelligence and energy fields that
appear to belong to us individually, but are found OUTSIDE all of our physical bodies...
- Why if enough humans have learned something, then it becomes
easier for ALL humans to learn it...
Visit the link below NOW to collect your free gifts and discover The Super Mind Evolution System.
An Empowerment Gift Package from Sharon Wilson To "Amp Up" Your Life by Sharon Wilson
$299 Value
Entrepreneurial Magnate and Master Success Coach, Sharon Wilson, joyfully shares a treasure-chest of EMPOWERMENT GIFTS (more than
$299 in value) to empower and inspire your greatest life:
- The Power of the Order Form, a life-changing group coaching session that shows you how to untangle your energy and manifest greater success.
- Success Through Your Spirit - The Golden Six-Figure Formula, a 7-part e-series that applies little-known principles and elemental combinations of theory and action that they just don't teach in business schools.
- Special Added Bonuses to LIVE Teleclasses and other empowerment gifts inside.
Simpleology 101
$100 Value
Mark Joyner’s breakthrough success program will allow you to:
- See your day with instant clarity
- Focus instantly on what is important
- Dump the rest (liberation is a click away)
- Clear your brain of clutter and distraction
'M0ney and Beliefs - Unlocking Your Abundance': by Aine Belton
$39 Value
Here's just some of what you'll discover in your awe-inspiring 'M0ney & Beilefs' gift:
- The greatest shift you can make to heal your abundance issues and start generating more m0ney in your life now!
- An exercise to instantly reveal your current state of 'money
- Why most of what you believe about m0ney isn't true! (apparent in over 50 examples of limiting monetary beliefs that could be impacting your finances today)
- 2 'Abundance Flip Switches' that will instantly align your
vibration to abundance
- How to transform your financial reality with 'Heart Vision'
- Why any belief in lack, scarcity, or limitation is false, and how to bust free of these beliefs to achieve the abundance you desire
Miracle Mind Manifesting Program
$39 Value
Comprehensive, clear and concise strategies to make profound changes in your life and a wealth of insights and techniques.
These include:
- What 'Future Causation' is and how you can use it to
transform your present reality in an instant
- The #1 myth of the law of attraction
- The gateway to the possible and bridge to your unconscious
- How to create a 'focus anchor' to keep you vibration high
all day and keep your mind focused on what you want and not
on what you don't want
- The grace of co-creation and 3 steps to engage it
- The language of your unconscious mind
- 3 words to watch out for if you want to keep you mind
focused on what you want and not what you don't want
- How you ask the universe for what you want
Spiritual Cinema Circle – Movies that Inspire
$21 Value
Spiritual Cinema Circle scans the world for heart-opening, soul-stirring, inspirational and informative films that you won't find on Cable or in your local DVD store. They are committed to enriching the entertainment experience for everyone by making available each month four inspiring pieces: one full length film plus a combination of shorts, documentaries, and features you won't find at your local Cineplex.
Experience the quality of their entertainment package with your first month FREE. (Pay only S&H) If you decide to continue with their service, it is quite affordable at $21 per month, and you get to keep the DVDs to build your library or pass along to those you care about.
Law of Attraction Network for Women
$29 Value
Tools to take INSPIRED ACTION to fuel your ATTRACTION in creating and mastering the 7 areas of your life.
This is a comprehensive source of in-depth exclusive information, including audio interviews, how-to articles, downloadable
forms, interviews, and other resources plus weekly live Q & A
calls and much more.
You can claim your free gift of some free samples on their
page by signing up for the newsletter here:
Two Audio Products That Take You to the Life You Deserve
$202 Value
Healer/Author Jennifer McLean offers Soul Song of
2008 with Meditation, a channeled melody/deep meditation that guides you to
internal obstacles, then knits your dreams in place and grounds them into
your being. From her series Healing With The Masters, Jennifer walks you
through techniques that release obstacles to positive flow, using her
healing Ho'oponopono and tonal healing systems that guide you to allowing
yourself to respond to life instead of reacting to it. The 80-minute tonal
healing is a journey through the body to directly ask into the obstacles
that are ready to be released.
Over 117 Hours of FREE Downloadable Audio Interviews with Sales, Marketing and Business Success Experts by Michael Senoff
$10,000 Value
Michael Senoff's is the world’s leading FREE digital audio business library that uses the power of personal interviews and storytelling to capture and relay the advice of world-class business experts.
Michael Senoff's Download free audio interviews of the experience and guidance of business leaders on the subjects of business growth, direct marketing, business buying, writing, effective advertising, referral marketing, negotiating, product development, marketing consulting, and the art of buying advertising.
The Lotus Code For Accelerated Meditation
$49.00 Value
Imagine cracking the code to the secrets of utter bliss - and stumbling upon fountains of outpouring creativity.
Geoff Dodd, in his brief yet crystal clear eBook shows how you can easily do this, once you understand the ancient Buddhistic principles. The Lotus Code is the Ultimate Self Help Book. It's priceless.
Mind Power Evolution Kit
$79.95 Value
Get this stunning new multimedia course based on Break through mind power research ...and discover your FULL potential. Comes with mind boggling videos, cutting edge reports and a VERY powerful audio. The consciousness revolution has begun.
Self-Improvement Treasure Vault
$2,355.00 Value
Wow! Get instant access to over 50 life-changing, high-quality self-improvement products worth over $2,355.00!
Includes the Super Success Code, On the Road to Riches, From Poverty to Power, How to be Happy, How to Make Speeches, and many more!
Overcome the 7 Energies that Zap Your Life
$30.00 Value
Overcome the 7 Energies that Zap Your Life
It seems that everyone is sharing bad news lately. How can you stay positive and not let that negativity permeate your field? Well, let me say that when you are dealing with energy you are affected by every energy that you allow yourself to sit in. Even when you are with a company that is upward moving yet your manager is not the most positive person on the planet you are affected by their negativity.
We have tools and techniques to keep you from getting stuck in the muck and mired in the fire of negativity.
Learn to release the primary energy zappers of your life in this eBook. Energetic Solutions has taught over 7,000 individuals sharing powerful ancient energy healing techniques. Rid your life of poverty consciousness, depression, negative psychic energies etc.
SHIFT Your Life! 10 Ground Breaking Secrets to Living Your Greatest Life Now!
$29.95 Value
In this audio download, Sonia Ricotti, renowned motivational speaker, #1 bestselling author of The Law of Attraction Plain and Simple, renowned motivational speaker, and President of Lead Out Loud, reveals some of her ground breaking secrets from her newly created SHIFT 21 Day Challenge - an exciting program that has been launched around the world. Sonia discusses how to totally recreate your "life" and start living your life with purpose, direction, and laser-beam focus
Seize the opportunity NOW to finally create the life you have always desired and truly deserve.
Hypnosis Power Relaxation MP3
$29.00 Value
Power Relaxation MP3 Audio Hypnosis Program By Alan B. Densky, CH.
As you sit back and close your eyes you'll feel the stress and anxiety literally drain from your mind and body as you sink into a peaceful state of bliss.
You will love this download. It has traditional post-hypnotic suggestions for peace & relaxation.
The Life Evaluator And 3 Success Formula Audios
$39.00 Value
Use the Life Evaluator Sheet to know your current levels of success in each area of your life! On top of that, Patric Chan will give you three of his audios including The Elevator Experience, The 3 Things That Do Not Exist For Success and The 2 Factors That Affect Your Today’s Happiness.
More Joy for Me Now!
$27.00 Value
From "The Today Show," CNN & NPR to YOU! Doris Helge, Ph.D., author of bestsellers "Joy on the Job" & "Transforming Pain Into Power" has taught thousands of people just like you to claim more joy.
Claim YOUR happiness with this special "More Joy for Me Now!" package of ebooks & mp3s. Get your needs met. Cash in on your strengths. Receive positive feedback. Turn difficult people into allies. Reduce stress. Claim your free gifts now, "Secrets of Happiness at Work," "Get the Respect & Appreciation You Deserve," & MUCH, MUCH MORE!
Mind Mastery 101
$67.00 Value
Mind Mastery 101 provides the missing operating manual for your mind that you were never given as a child.
In this one hour 'jam packed with information' course, Bruce Muzik will teach you the secrets most people will never know about how to unlock your mind's FULL potential. Absolutely essential listening!
End Emotional Eating and Attract The Body You Desire Now
$79.00 Value
Learn in one hour, more than you have in the past 2 years about how to end emotional eating. If you find yourself bursting open bags of chips or downing your favorite chocolate chip cookies when you are stressded, bored, of frustrated, this will help you end emotional eating!
Take these two emotional eating assessments and listen to this audio to gain actual strategies you can begin using to rid your emotional eating tendencies.
$59.00 Value
In this potent AUDIO INTERVIEW (with bonus worksheet) Tal Shai, founder of, an online platform designed to help Entrepreneurial Women Live their Soul's Puspose and Prosper, will reveal simple steps you can implement immediately to tap Your Intuition and Propel Your Business to New and more Profitable Heights.
Free chapter of Barry Maher's book, "Filling the Glass: The Skeptic's Guide to Positive Thinking"
$10.00 Value
Filling the Glass" by Barry Maher was honored as "[One of] The Seven Essential Popular Business Books" by Today's Librarian magazine. Translated around the world, it's extraordinarily readable and entertaining, yet so rich in content it's recommended reading at places like Columbia Business School.
Author Barry Maher is a highly motivational keynote speaker and workshop leader with expertise in communication, leadership, management and sales.
Mastering The Law of Attraction Through Visualization
$47.00 Value
An Ebook and Audio Seminar
Learn how to reprogram your mind through visualization.
This program will give you a real understanding of the subtle forces behind the Law of Attraction that almost everyone gets wrong, even the people teaching about them.
Wake Up To the Dream - Now!
$695.00 Value
Now you can join thousands of others who have taken the steps toward creating more success in their lives.
How committed are you to making your dreams a reality today? What would it be worth to you to be on your way to actualizing your dreams within the next 90 days?
Wealth Mastery Success Mini Course and Coaching Call
$27.00 Value
Listen to this audio coaching call as Wealth Mastery Success founder Chaney Weiner discusses you can achieve wealth in the 7 areas of your life.
In the Wealth Mastery Success coaching call you'll learn:
- How to change your negative beliefs
- How to manifest quicker
- How to improve visualization and attract money
- How to stop feeling overwhelmed
- How to get focused
Some other questions that are discussed are:
- Will I ever attract enough money to pay off all my bills?
- How can I release any past hurts and attract more joy into my future?
- How long do you generally work with the Law of Attraction before something changes?
And much more!
How To Crush What Stands Between
You And Your Dreams
$39.00 Value
In this report, you will learn:
- Why movies like “The Secret” have made no real difference in your life - and how to turn that around, once and for all.
- Why self-improvement programs haven’t worked for you - yet.
- Why the Law Of Attraction is working against you – right now, and how to get it back on your side – permanently.
- The REAL reason for the current Economic Recession, and how to be unaffected by it – today.
- How to reprogram your belief-system to your specifications – automatically – permanently, manifesting more abundance, joy, success, happiness and freedom than you can ever imagine…
Creating Your Own Path to Health, Healing and Happiness
$29.00 Value
A truly inspiring review of Dr. Carol Robin's Fall 2008 teleseminar series "Profound Paths to Health, Healing and Happiness," with emphasis on finding your own path to optimum health from a holistic perspective. In this enlightening and empowering season finale talk, Dr. Robin brings together the work of 12 visionary speakers on body, heart, mind, and spirit in a unique and harmonious way. You will find this talk, as you will find Dr. Robin's soothing voice and guided imagery, a joy and inspiration to hear.
The Art of Practice
$19.95 Value
The Art of Practice Ebook- An interview by Jeanna Gabellini with Lance Giroux.
AAccomplish new long-term results by becoming aware of your current practices. How did they get you where you are now? Use this program to effectively interrupt the practices that distract you from the progress you desire. Those who have mastered their field understand this and repetitively act on this important lesson. Find out what practices will serve you best!
The Success Mantrum and the Wealth Healing Handbook
Priceless Value
In these audio files you will learn how to pronounce and to use this mantrum which consists of just three words (mantrum is the singular form of the word, mantra is the plural of mantrum) . The constant use of this mantrum, created hundreds of years ago in the Himalayas, creates in you the frequency which makes success in all your ventures inevitable.
The healing wealth handbook shows you how to use contructive imagery to re-establish abundance all around you.
Full Electronic Version of best-selling book, The Secret of Successful Failing
$29.95 Value
One of the most notable qualities shared by great leaders is the ability to learn and benefit from failure and setback. The difference between good and great is the discipline of regarding failure as useful feedback and leveraging the lessons learned to create a new successful outcome. Leaders use failure as a springboard to success.
The Secret of Successful Failing shows why failure is a good thing and how you can leverage it. It provides workable ways of reframing how you look at failure so you can use the inherent lessons in support of yourself and your dreams. It delivers a wealth of practical techniques for turning yourself around so you can confidently move toward your objectives.
"Finally! A book that reframes failure as a powerful tool that can actually be used to get what you want. This is a must-read.!"
-Mark Victor Hansen, Co-creator of the #1 NY Times
Best-selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul
"Develop a Positive Attutide to Lead a Great life!"
$29.00 Value
Your attitude plays a major role in every single aspect of your life.
- It dictates your thoughts...
- It influences your feelings...
- It affects your actions...
If what you want is to live a happier life, I invite you to adopt a positive attitude and learn to live by it everyday so you can achieve success and fulfillment in every aspect of YOUR life.
Develop Your Intuition in Business Ebook
$27.00 Value
Tap into your Inner Wisdom that never lets you down. Know immediatley when something is RIGHT for you or you can trust someone in business and equally when something is totally WRONG for you or someone is lying to you.
In today's highly competitive, fast-moving world learn to trust yourself and to hear that little inner voice of Intuition that wants to guide you to make the right decisions for you in life and business.
21 Easy Tips to Making Smarter Food Choices!
$27.00 Value
Eating well doesn't have to be this complicated!
Most people fail because there is an overload of information that is impossible for the average person to process in a way that makes sense.
By keeping food, nutrition and diet (really) simple, you not only increase your chances of losing weight, but you also increase your chances of keeping a healthy weight your entire life.
Ditch, those fad diets that keep you fat and adopt these easy daily steps that will change your body for life!
Grab your ‘21 Easy Tips to Making Smarter Food Choices’ right now!
Life's Little Wealth Principle Cards
$29.00 Value
Human beings have been creating wealth for centuries and they've been doing it exactly the same way all this, invest, give and repeat. It's simple, it's uncomplicated and it works.
Life’s Little Wealth Principles are a result of seven years of teaching financial literacy programs to kids, teens and adults. The principles are simple, and if followed, even part-time, will lead to financial freedom. The more you follow, the quicker you’ll experience that freedom. Enjoy...
"Experience Yourself Embracing Our Evolving Economy As An Enlightened Entrepreneur with Brandon London D. Klayman"
$294.00 Value
Brandon London D. Klayman, enlightened entrepreneur, author, and creator of Conscious Commerce, brings unique inspiration and experience to businesses worldwide. Get ONE Complimentary Consultation and 7 Bonus Conscious Call Downloads ($294 Dollar Value).
Let Brandon identify for you ONE powerful synchronicity about your business. He will give you Conscious Commerce Holistic Business Strategies that create Opportunity Now Emerging for your business. Walk away from the call feeling a fresh sense of direction, clarity and focus through Brandon's unique consulting approach.
Get on a live ONE-on-ONE call with Brandon and leverage our evolving economy today!
Slumbering Power Archives + Law Of Attraction
$37.00 Value
Secrets Of Success From Orison S. Marden, The Original Success Master Himself! You get special excerpts from 5 rare selections:
- Courage
- The Creative Power Of Thought
- You Can If You Will
- The Best Substitute For Genius
- 100+ Wise Quotes
$40.00 off coupon for a 15 min. intuitive session with international intuitive Tracy Lee Nash.
$75.00 Value
Tracy Lee Nash is an international intuitive, medium, spiritual coach, author and founder of Within The Light. Her clients have included radio personalities, authors and film producers. Recieve a $40.00 off coupon (a $75.00 value currently $35.00) for a 15 min. intuitive session with Tracy Lee Nash.
Six Minutes to a Six Figure Income - Unlock Your Mind for Success
$67.00 Value
Everyone wants success is some way or another. Whether it's more money, a better relationship or less stress we all want the same thing. We want to make enough money to freely enjoy life without stress.
Listen to the six MP3's for just six minutes a day, twice a week, set goals, take action and find yourself feeling more self assured, confident, powerful and energized as well as becoming a magnet for attracting all the success you want.
Building Courage & Confidence Meditation Audio & E-book
$27.00 Value
"Kiss Your Monsters Goodbye" Package:
- A 20 minute guided visualization: Discover your courage and vision all aspects of your desires so you can attract them to you in sonic speed!
- "Pop the Positive Pills" E-book: Find your strength as you re-discover how amazing & courageous you really are!
Born with a 20% of living, Cindy Ashton has conquered heart failure, 3 heart surgeries, chronic pain and a damaged lung. She has defied what doctor's believed was possible & is now dedicated to empowering others to kiss their monsters goodbye, overcome their obstacles & achieve the success they deserve.
The Law Of Attraction In Action Volume 2
$47.00 Value
289 pages of inspiration with over 150 practical action steps you can use today to attract success.
Have you ever wondered why, given the same opportunities, some people create amazing success while the rest see no change in their lives at all? What do they do that everyone else doesn’t? What do they know?
I have found 2 things that set these people apart. The good news is, once you know how, you can apply the same skills and attract amazing success into your own life too.
2 Things That Make a Difference
- Every one of these successful people is a Master Of The Secret - also know as The Law of Attraction. Sometimes they don’t even realise this themselves!
- They all take action.
There is so much opportunity in the world but until you understand how The Law of Attraction works and have some action steps that actually work, you will not attract the success (however YOU define it) you deserve. I can help you.
E-book Flowing Forward: Transforming Your Life from the Inside – Out
$229.95 Value
Dr. Anne Merkel, long-time practitioner of Emotional Freedom Technique and Neuro Emotional Technique offers you a fantastic bonus of her e-book Flowing Forward: Transforming Your Life from the Inside – Out, in addition to a complimentary 30-minute laser-coaching session using EFT.
How To Seriously SHED Unwanted Fat In Record Time and Keep It Off For Good
$147.00 Value
This is a tested and proven shortcut (taught by one of the most sought after fitness gurus in the industry) that is working right now helping people achieve their health & wellness goals.
And you're about to discover how to do it. FOR FREE.
For many years now, we've been showing people who've had absolutely zero success losing weight (not to mention fear) how to shed those unwanted pounds and keep it off.
In just minutes, you can be "armed & ready" with a proven program that melts away fat, tones your muscle and keeps you looking great.
Law of Attraction Body and Wealth
$27.00 Value
Receive 3 free sample chapters of Heather's bestselling book, "Body of Love 57 Secrets in Creating Your Ideal Body Using The Law of Attraction" and an mp3 audio on creating wealth.
Emotional Enlightenment: Revolutionary Insight to Empowerment Audio Series
$39.90 Value
In this two part audio series psychotherapist, life coach and author Michelle Bersell will lead listeners to turn upside-down their understanding of true emotional well-being.
Part I - Emotional Enlightenment:
With our current understanding regarding our emotional well-being, people struggle! Michelle Bersell, M.A., M.Ed. reveals a new, empowering way to utilize our emotions that will give those privy to this information a distinct advantage in life. Download this audio to learn how to use your emotions to realign with your inner wisdom and gain certainty as to how to live your most abundant life.
Part 2 - Live with Passionate Intensity:
Do you wake up each day excited by its' possibilities? Does your zest for life feel hard to contain at times? Do you have the time and energy to create the life you want? Do you feel certain about who you are and the steps you need to take? If you answered no to anyone of these, this audio recording is for you! Learn how to ignite the internal flame within you and tap into an unstoppable force that defies the limits we place upon ourselves. Discover a unique understanding on how to find that true passionate intensity within you!
To Your Optimum Success – Become A Healthier YOU with Kathi Casey's "Get Ready For Pilates"
$22.00 Value
Everything you need for Optimum Success – Become A Healthier YOU!
Become a Healthier You with Kathi Casey's Powerful "Get Ready For Pilates" - an Exercise Program you can begin lying on the couch!
Kathi Casey’s “Get Ready for Pilates” Program is an easy to read downloadable E-Book - complete with full descriptions, photos, variations and modifications for the exercises so that everyone can do them. Plus, as an added bonus, Kathi will include an mp3 Download of her Favorite Guided Relaxation Sessions.
Remove Stress: Get The Tigers Off Your Back - Chapter 1
$47.00 Value
Techniques and advice abound and a lot of the information is very useful. What is lacking is comprehensive "stress education" about how damaging stress really is and an acknowledgement that there are very different levels of stress.
This EBook will help you Remove Stress From Life, literally get the tigers off your back - and live a more fulfilled life. Our Gift is the complete first chapter of our eBook that is specially written to provide practical hints and tips that you can put into practice and remove stress from your life. You will receive two more fantastic gifts along with Chapter 1 to definitely help you balance your Mind, Body Connection.
Seven Deadly Mistakes Parents Make That Creat Spoiled Brats -And How You Can Avoid Them!
$79.00 Value
Attention Frustrated Parents: Learn the skills and strategies to create, instill, and enhance self-esteem in your children – and make them competent, well-balanced, and successful for life...
Grace E. Mauzy
"The 7 Deadly Mistakes Parents Make That Create Spoiled Brats – And How You Can Avoid Them!"
In this FREE Audio Parenting Series, you'll learn the tested methods and strategies that produce the behavior your heart desires from your children.
Three Indispensible Planning Tools by Dan Boudreau
$100.00 Value
- Biz4Caster Integrated Forecasting Spreadsheet will cut hours from the time needed to forecast multi-year financial projections and save you money and energy too. Create multiple financial scenarios easily and quickly. Just input your assumptions and prices, forecast your sales and enter your expenses - and watch as Biz4Caster generates 3-year income statements and pro forma balance sheets!
- Fast-Track Business Planning Template offers an efficient way to blast through a business plan for busy and experienced owners.
- The Business Plan Shell is an empty business plan fully formatted and ready for you to begin entering your words and numbers.
More Joy, Less Stress During Upside Down Times" teleclass mp3
"More Joy, Less Stress During Upside Down Times" teleclass mp3 with best-selling author, speaker, psychotherapist and songwriter Marcia Breitenbach. Also, get a brain-retraining tool with her song, "What Do You Believe?" and accompanying report.
$40 Off an Initial Consultation with Diane Brandon, Integrative Intuitive Counselor, Author, & Radio Host, plus MP3s of Two Episodes of "Vibrant Living"
$55.00 Value
Diane hosts the increasingly popular "Vibrant
Living" on and the new "Vibrantly Green with Diane Brandon"
on She's the author of Invisible Blueprints, numerous
articles, the forthcoming book, Intuition for Thinkers, and contributing
author to The Long Way Around and Speaking Out.
Diane's work as an
Integrative Intuitive Counselor - simply put - focuses on facilitating
others to live to their fullest potential and lead fulfilling lives. She
does deep inner work via essence reading, Dream Work, healing meditations,
regression work, Natural Process Healing, and customized exercises, as well
as working with groups in classes, workshops, and corporate seminars.
Diane is an Intuition Expert/Teacher who has been teaching and coaching
others to access their intuition for several years. She also has two Guided
Meditation recordings available, "A Journey Within Meditation" and
"Brainstorm in the Boardroom with Great Leaders."
Diane is
offering three bonus gifts: $40 Off an Initial Consultation and mp3
recordings of two "Vibrant Living" radio show episodes.
Arupa Tesolin - 2 Audios to Unleash Intuition & Creative Power plus Coaching
$128.00 Value
Audio 1 -
"Unleash Your Intuition Ting!", author of the popular book Ting! - A Surprising Way to Listen to Intuition & Do Business Better. Arupa is a leading speaker on Intuition, Creative Capital and Grassroots Innovation. She owns Intuita, a learning company that provides Ting! & Spark Innovation Training Workshops, On-Line Learning & Leader Training. Learn why empowering your intuition enables you to command your true creative potential!
Audio 2 -
"Spark Your Power to Create" Arupa's audio based on her new book Spark - Raise Your Mind to the Power of Infinity & Create Anything. Learn more about the secret feminine science of creating and how to become an irresistable loving force, magnetizing what you want in your life so it comes rushing to you like bees to a flower.
Free Coaching Gift -
Attend 1 FREE Class in Arupa's Self-Mastery Coaching Program. Details will be emailed to you following the campaign.
How To Introduce Yourself Quickly and Creatively, So Others Will Stand Up and Take Notice
$37.00 Value
Let me ask you, when you meet someone for the first time and you want to tell them about your business do you know exactly what to say? Or do you hem and haw a little bit as you fumble for the right words, because you’re trying so hard to get it right? Have you ever rambled on and on and on, until you notice the other person anxiously looking around the room for an escape route? This mp3 and workbook will iterally walk you through, step by step, how to craft a compelling introduction that will grab the attention of your perfect prospect.
Robert Scheinfeld's radical strategies for recreating your business, your team, your customers, your lifestyle, and everything else in between.
Priceless Value
Through the pages of the E-book, you'll become fully familiar with Robert Scheinfeld's radical strategies for recreating your business, your team, your customers, your lifestyle, and everything else in between. It's wild stuff, but if you can open your mind enough to embrace it and take action on it, the kind of transformations and openings into True Prosperity you'll create will blow your mind.
Your Mental Fitness Expert takes you in Positive Directions!
$29.00 Value
Dr. Ryder is a psychologist, achievement coach and the author of a new book: Positive Directions. He specializes in tools to help you overcome stress and reach more success.
Visit the website below to download two articles one about Imagination and the other Making Decisions, plus an MP3 recording of Relax and Recharge Positively and the 7 Master Keys to greater happiness. Click on the link and open a treasure chest full of his tools and jewels to make life easier.
The Classic Law of Attraction Collection
$47.00 Value
If you’ve EVER wanted to experience success, HAPPINESS, great health, great wealth and amazing coincidences beyond your wildest dreams... READ ON to Discover the TRUTH Behind "The Classic Law of Attraction Collection" And How YOU Can Use its Power To Enjoy Unlimited Success, Happiness & WEALTH... INSTANTLY!
Since the first century, the world’s most powerful individuals have known a SECRET that can change lives forever. I’m talking about a genuine, tangible secret that brings power, freedom, love and success.
Discover the Awesome, FORGOTTEN Impact These Books Had on the Entire World -- Including ME... And, Soon, YOU!
$40 Off an Initial Consultation with Diane Brandon MP3 Recordings of Two Episodes of "Vibrant Living" Radio Show with Diane Brandon
$55.00 Value
Diane hosts the increasingly popular "Vibrant Living" on and the new "Vibrantly Green with Diane Brandon" on She’s the author of Invisible Blueprints, numerous articles, the forthcoming book, Intuition for Thinkers, and contributing author to The Long Way Around and Speaking Out. Diane's work as an Integrative Intuitive Counselor – simply put – focuses on facilitating others to live to their fullest potential and lead fulfilling lives. She does deep inner work via essence reading, Dream Work, healing meditations, regression work, Natural Process Healing, and customized exercises, as well as working with groups in classes, workshops, and corporate seminars. Diane is an Intuition Expert/Teacher who has been teaching and coaching others to access their intuition for several years. She also has two Guided Meditation recordings available, "A Journey Within Meditation" and "Brainstorm in the Boardroom with Great Leaders." Diane is offering three bonus gifts: $40 Off an Initial Consultation and MP3 recordings of two "Vibrant Living" radio show episodes.
Girls Self Esteem Ebook
$77.00 Value
Innovative self-esteem building system based on the award-winning books, Journal Buddies. Includes instructions, printable worksheets, and reprint rights!
The Self Empowerment Guidebook
$47.00 Value
To help you realize your greatest potential, several of today's up and coming spiritual growth leaders share their wisdom in this power-packed transformational ebook.
This is a MUST-HAVE for anybody who is serious about empowering themselves and improving their lives.
Free Self-Esteem Enhancement Audio
$25.00 Value
Enhance your self esteem by listening to this audio and be guided to release all those negative beliefs that are holding you back from seeing yourself as someone who deserves the best, is capable of anything and who is more than enough! You probably know that your self esteem is largely determined by the beliefs that you hold about yourself and that your beliefs determine your results. If your current results are less than desirable, then you owe it to yourself to release the negative beliefs that are holding you back from all the good stuff that you deserve.
The Seven A's of Attraction & Other Bonuses
$64.20 Value
You can get the following special bonuses:
- The Seven A’s of Attraction
By Laurie J. Brenner
- How To Be A Money Magnet
By Morgana Rae
And the all-time classics:
- Think and Grow Rich
The Science of Getting Rich (Wallace Wattles book is a great read!)
Don't forgot to use your correct email address, and white list us so that you can receive your bonuses! Happy manifesting.
Reprogramming the Mind for Success Bonus Package
$47.00 Value
Reprogramming the mind for success bonus package includes:
'Reprogramming the Mind for Success' bonus e-book, 6-part series, 'The Science Behind the Law of Attraction' and Bonus video, 'Discovering and Beating Addiction to Negative Thinking'.
Discover why you struggle to break free from your current lifestyle, behaviours and habits, and how to reprogram your mind to a higher level of achievement and success in all areas of your life.
Use Encouraging Words to Motivate Positive Action
$19.99 Value
This empowering eBook is filled with ideas, techniques and mindshifts that can change your life for the better immediately. Learn to use to power of encouragement and improve your communication on multiple levels. Give the gift of courage to yourself and those around you.
By applying these skills your relationships will automatically become stronger and deeper, and your self-confidence and self-esteem will skyrocket. Written by popular speaker and author, Judy H. Wright, aka Auntie Artichoke, the Storytelling Trainer. You will feel that the message was written just for you. And it was!
The Daughter-in-Law Rules eBook
$14.95 Value
The Daughter-in-Law Rules eBook
Whether you're at the beginning of your marriageor you've spent years trying to make peace withyour mother-in-law, The Daughter-in-Law Rulesprovides a revolutionary set of strategies,making copasetic coexistence possible at last!
15% of the proceeds of this book will go to The National Breast Cancer Foundation. Think Pink!
$27.00 Value
Antony Robbins says its the greatest success book of all time. Entrepreneurs from Donald Trump to Bill Gates often refer to it’s awesome power of changing lives. Thirty million people across the globe have read this underground classic and experienced huge changes to their lives overnight.And now I want to hand you this book without you paying a penny.
To download it simply visit the below link and scroll halfway down the page. There is also an opportunity to watch a Think And Grow Rich Seminar.
The Secret Trilogy
$89.00 Value
Astonishingly, three books written 100 years ago contain the complete roadmap to achieving success and wealth. What’s even more astonishing is that they are as relevant today as they were then.
These three books reveal the secret critical elements overlooked by most of the success programs available today. Without these elements, true success and wealth will never be achieved. is giving away these three groundbreaking books and action exercises to anyone who truly wants to fulfill their success and wealth dreams.
Yes, You Can Make Money Doing What You Love!
Let Desirée and Mark Watson Show You How.
$97.00 Value
FREE Five-Day Audio Training: "The 4 Essential Pillars of Wealth." There’s never been a better time to make money doing what you’re truly passionate about than RIGHT NOW.
Why? Because more millionaires are made during a recession than at any other time. And we believe that true wealth begins in the inside.
That’s why we focus on helping activate the real dream inside of you and discover how to develop the proven tools and skills you need to realize success (financial and personal).
Wealth Inside Out is the perfect combination of self-discovery and business success, all rolled into one, and customized to fit your unique passions, personality and strengths.
Self-esteem meditation audio designed specifically for users of Dr. Joe Rubino's Self-Esteem System
$47.00 Value
Mary Owens, MSW, Your Connection Queen has created this meditation specifically for users of Dr. Joe Rubino's Self-Esteem system. The meditation is designed to enhance and improve your self-esteem in an easy and relaxing manner. Simply download the mp3 audio file, put it on your iPod or mp3 player, or listen to right from your computer.
Attract A Life You Love Program
$147.00 Value
Imagine living a life you absolutely love.
That is the goal of this program.
The Attract A Life You Love program will show you a step-by-step system to create:
- loving, harmonious relationships
- the job, career or business of your dreams
- true prosperity
- radiant health
- the deepest desires of your heart in every major area of your life
With the Attract A Life You Love program you will create a life you absolutely love - starting TODAY!
Law of Attraction E-Course
$298.00 Value
After a successful business advisory and travel agency businesses in the Philippines, Lourdes Elardo-Gant immigrated to Canada to learn from multi - millionaires.
She began her continued quest for personal development. She learned at the time that happiness and freedom are the ultimate intentions from accumulating wealth. With a unique skill of attracting wealth and success and sharing them, Lourdes began her Law of Attraction Coaching career teaching manifestation strategies.
Let's Conquer Fear
$29.95 Value
Lisa Reed is an Author, Certified Life Coach, Public Speaker, Ordained Minister with a PhD in Metaphysics for holistic counseling, Mediumship Certified by (Doreen Virtue Author of Angel Therapy), Readings and Training.
After awaking from a coma Lisa realized that she has a spiritual gift to share with everyone. Lisa has the gift of intuition and she wants to show you how to tap into your God given abilities as well. When you do you will begin to live a charmed life too. A near death experience opened a whole new way of life for her. Twenty-eight days later, she woke a changed woman, with GOD’s voice speaking to her and a mission to share those messages with the world.
Through Lisa's book "Divinely Blessed: A Journey of Light" we enter a world that dispels the darkness surrounding death, replacing it with a message of hope, faith and courage. Fear often stands between us and our ability to make decisions, take action and ask for what we want—even to know what we really want. Let’s conquer the 10 fears
13 Powerful Personal Development Classics & 5 Videos
$120.00 Value
Dear Personal Development Enthusiast,
I am giving away 13 powerful ebooks and 5 video lessons over 3 months. This will give you enough time to absorb this information without overwhelming you.
Some of the titles include: Think and Grow Rich, The Science of Getting Rich, As a Man Thinketh, The Art of War, My Life and Work by Henry Ford and many more.
$35.91 in Subliminal MP3s: Assertiveness, Concentration, Relaxation
$35.91 Value
Download 3 subliminal albums from Real Subliminal - the leaders in online subliminal audio - worth $35.91.
These albums contain subliminal messages which will enter your subconscious mind without you realizing.
They will eliminate any long held limiting beliefs and negative thoughts which are holding you back and replace them with positive thoughts and beliefs so that your whole body and mind is focused to your goals and you will be much more likely to succeed.
Finding Your Strength Through Stress ~ 9-week Ecourse
$199.00 Value
- Our new 9-week ecourse Finding Your Strength Through Stress: Each week you will receive an email abundant with information, tools, and resources to assist you in shifting your relationship with stress. You will also have the option to participate in our online forum, providing you with additional support in transforming your negative experience of stress into motivation and energy to empower your life!
- A complimentary subscription to our monthly newsletter, Inspired News & Views, featuring articles, resources and special offers to support you in creating harmony in your life ~ body, mind and spirit!
Tips for Happiness and Parenting
$125.00 Value
Tips for Happiness and Parenting, Simple Steps for Happiness, Complimentary session for first 20 people to register.
Eliminate Sleep-Shattering Mind Chatter with EFT: by Glenda Sparling, Author & Sleep Coach
$29.95 Value
Experience immediate benefits and eliminate monkey mind chatter. Tap along with this effective EFT protocol to eliminate sleep-shattering mind chatter. Discover how you can take back control of your nights and create a positive,
peaceful sleep.
5 Steps to the Outrageously Healthy YOU MP3, Transcript, Summary and Action Plan
$97.00 Value
Over the years I have had the privilege of helping thousands take charge of their lives through health and fitness. During this time, I have observed some amazing things. As a result of this, and my own health journey, I have come to understand that Outrageous Health, is not just about food and exercise it's more about knowing how to feel outrageously healthy every single day of your life rather than waiting till you're some version of 'perfect'.
I have loads to share and regardless of your current physical condition you can start feeling outrageously healthy right away. Decide to be healthy today!
Enjoy the gift!
Learn How You Can Overcome Social Anxiety eBook
$39.00 Value
Learn How You Can Overcome Social Anxiety is an eBook with a 5 weeks' course to help you feel better about yourself and in social situations.
The eBook will cover beliefs which might be preventing you to heal and feel good about yourself, it will help you discover and be yourself, love yourself, deal with the fear of people, and teach you tips of what you can do when you feel anxious.
AHHH --- SLEEP! You Can Get the Good Night's Sleep You Need and Deserve!
$15.95 Value
Everyone know that sleep is an important factor in helping us cope effectively. This meditation guides you into a restful, sleep inducing state and helps you to stay there through the night.
Help your mind to clear, your body to relax and the stress of your day to dissipate as you drift away. Feel ready to face each new day refreshed, revitalized and rested! A good night's sleep will do wonders for you!
The Secret In Your Hands...Finding Your Life Purpose, Your Life Lessons, Your Soul's Path.
$24.97 Value
We are all born with a gift to share, a gift that brings out everything we have churning, burning and twirling deep inside. This is not necessarily the job we are doing (it may be). This Life Purpose is about the vision we hold for ourselves from before is our Soul's Path.
Our Hands, especially our Fingerprints, hold the answer to these Secrets! All we need to do is delve into these Secrets and find out what YOU planned for Your Soul. Your Life Purpose, Your Life Lessons and Your Life Schools are all carved in your Hands!
Are You Stressed Out?
$29.00 Value
Stop Stressing And Start Living!
- Discover the meaning behind what your body is saying to you
- Improve your thinking using cognitive behavioural techniques
- Utilise some helpful breathing exercises
- Emotional Freedom Techniques will also re-align the energy of your body.
So what are you waiting for? Act Before You Snap!
The Motivational Collection
$27.00 Value
Simply the best 1500+ motivational quotes and 100+ motivational ACRONYMS on the Web !!!
"Why You Won't Be Successful...But Should Be. 10 Massive Mistakes You're Making Right Now That Are Keeping You P.O.O.R."
$47.00 Value
Have you ever wondered why you aren't getting where you want to go? Many times it's not what you're willing to learn that will get you where you want to go but what you're willing to let go of. Awareness is the key to begin your journey of financial, spiritual and emotional success. Become aware of the 10 things that are keeping you P.O.O.R. by getting access to this free report.
E-Book "A Life On Fire - Living your Life with Passion, Balance, and Abundance"
$49.00 Value
Learn the Success Secrets of Some of the World's Greatest Legends!
In this book you have one of the best and most effective ways to get aligned with your life purpose: by spending time with people who have been remarkably successful at living theirs.
In this collection of cover story interviews, some of the most successful, brilliant authors and speakers of our time share what it means to live your personal destiny. Hear from legends such as Jack Canfield, Marianne Williamson, Harv Eker, Jay Abraham, Dr. Stephen Covey, Janet Attwood, and many others. Begin today to live a Life On Fire!
How Yoga Can Help Develop Psychic Abilities
$27.00 Value
An interview from That Psychic Girl with Connie about how you can develop your Psychic ability through Yoga.
ClickBank Affiliate Spider
$37.00 Value
"Leverage On This Powerful Clickbank Affiliate Research Tool That Will Reveal Your Affiliates' Identities To You!"
The Ultimate Bath Guide...
$29.00 Value
...Relax and Renew Using Energy Practices and the Healing Power of the Bath to Soak Away Stress.
This guide includes simple, yet powerful techniques to help you interrupt the stress cycle and nurture yourself when you need it most. Although the bath adds great healing benefits, you can use the practices in or out of the tub.
As part of your gift, you also gain access to the TapInfinity Holistic Healing Learning Center and the monthly Holisitc Happenings Newsletterwhich provide you with additional healing information and techniques .
Please mention the ebook in the comments section of the sign in form and it will be sent to you later that day.
"The #1 Doctor-Approved Secret to Help Avoid the Dangers of Birthing a Premature Baby While Protecting the Mother's Health"
$19.97 Value
As you read every word of Dr. Zakowski’s Special Report, you will be amazed at how simple it is for you to take this one important, easy and inexpensive action. You will know the #1 Secret to help reduce the risk of a premature birth and ensure that your baby is as healthy—mentally and physically—as possible.
7 Secrets to Creating Online Wealth with Your Network Marketing Enterprise eBook
$124.00 Value
WTPowers helps thousands of distributors in hundreds of companies in sixty countries to build, improve, and succeed in their online, home-based businesses plus Free Motivation In Motion Audio provided by Tracy Monteforte, co-founder of WTPowers, the net's premiere automated lead generating, prospecting, follow-up, training and duplication system. To collect these bonuses, visit the below AUDIO link. Also, visit the below BONUS link for a no-risk 30-day FREE trial of the most powerful automated prospecting, lead generation, follow up and training system online. (A $9.95 set up fee is required to access this trial.)
7Free Month of TeleCenter
$39.95 Value
Try a Free Month of TeleCenter The leading Toll-Free Voicemail, Lead Capture and Communication System for Network Marketing Professionals. This system is VoiceMail on steroids allowing you to know the names and numbers of all callers (even hang-ups) and how long they listened to your message. Build your business FAST with TeleCenter.
77 Tips on Where to Find Good Prospects and How to Get Them to Join.
$77.00 Value
Tom "Big Al" Schreiter shares some of his best inside secrets on sponsoring, plus you'll get free access to his 120-page manual, "Super Prospecting." Simply visit the below link to get started now.
Building Your Network Marketing Business
$16.00 Value
Jim Rohn's mp3 Building Your Network Marketing Business. To get yours free, go to...
Spiritual Transformation Gift Basket
Priceless Value
Dr. Barbara Rose, world renowned Life Transformation Specialist and Spiritual Teacher shares a wonderful Spiritual Transformation Virtual Gift Basket with excerpts, audio interviews and downloads you will certainly love.
"The Power to Succeed" Newsletter by Dr. Joe Rubino of The Center for Personal Reinvention
Priceless Value
The Power to Succeed Newsletter provides you with insightful articles, complimentary audio programs, tips, free and discounted offers to champion your life and business. To Receive your FREE subscription, visit and look for the pop-up banner that says "Subscribe to Free Newsletter."
Website URL for Bonus:
Yours in Success,
Joe Rubino
CEO, Center For Personal Reinvention
While it is our understanding that all of these free offers are available, it is the right of each
company to add to, change, or terminate any offer at any time at their discretion. We recommend
claiming each offer as soon as possible due to limited time availability with some offers.